"Freedom From Want" by Norman Rockwell

Mar 28, 2015

Apricot And Pineapple Marmalade

This recipe is from Elpha Hougland Blossom.


Wash 1 pound dried apricots.  Soak them for 12 hours in water to cover by 1 inch.  Bring them slowly to boiling point.  Strain them, reserving the juice.  Put them through the ricer.  Add juice and contents of 1  #2 can of crushed pineapple (2 ½ cups).  For every cup of pulp and juice, add 3/4 cup sugar.  Add 3 Tbsp lemon juice.  Boil the marmalade for 15 minutes or until it thickens, stirring frequently.

Recipe shared by Sheila.