"Freedom From Want" by Norman Rockwell

Mar 28, 2015

Aunt Marie Cookies

This is a recipe that I have from my Aunt Marie ( Mary Bethel Perkins Hougland).  She used to be a candy maker.  These are no bake cookies—They don’t have a name.

Variation #1
1 small package chocolate chips             
1 pkg butterscotch chips
1 can chowmein noodles                                      

Melt chips in a double boiler and mix all ingrdients together and spoon on wax paper.  Cool. 

(I use all chocolate chips lot of time and like them OK.)

Variation #2
Chocolate chips                                                       
frosted flakes
Melt chips in a double boiler and mix all ingrdients together and spoon on wax paper.  Cool.

Recipe shared by Sheila.